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What async_status in Ansible

async_status in Ansible

Async_status in Ansible is a module that is used to check the status of asynchronous tasks that are running in the background. When you use the “async” keyword in Ansible to run tasks asynchronously, you can use the “async_status” module to check the status of those tasks.

The “async_status” module takes a task ID as input and returns the status of that task. The task ID is the ID that is returned when you use the “async” keyword to start the task.

Here’s an example playbook that uses the “async” keyword to run a task asynchronously, and then uses the “async_status” module to check the status of that task:

- name: Run task asynchronously
  shell: /path/to/long-running-command
  async: 3600
  poll: 0
  register: my_task

- name: Check status of task
    jid: "{{ my_task.ansible_job_id }}"
  register: my_task_status
  until: my_task_status.finished
  retries: 3600
  delay: 1

- name: Print task output
    var: my_task_status.result

In this example, the “shell” module is used to run a long-running command asynchronously, with a timeout of 3600 seconds (1 hour). The “register” keyword is used to capture the output of the command, including the task ID, which is stored in the “ansible_job_id” variable.

The “async_status” module is then used to check the status of the task, using the task ID stored in the “ansible_job_id” variable. The “until” keyword is used to retry the check until the task is finished, with a maximum of 3600 retries (1 hour) and a delay of 1 second between retries.

Finally, the output of the task is printed using the “debug” module.

The “async_status” module is useful for checking the status of long-running tasks and ensuring that they have been completed successfully before continuing with the playbook.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is async_status in Ansible?

A: async_status is a module in Ansible that is used to check the status of asynchronous tasks that are running in the background.

Q: How do I use async_status in Ansible?

A: To use async_status in Ansible, you first need to run a task asynchronously using the “async” keyword, and capture the task ID using the “register” keyword. You can then use the async_status module to check the status of the task using the task ID.

Q: What information does async_status provide?

A: async_status provides information about the status of the asynchronous task, such as whether it is running, finished, or failed, as well as the result of the task.

Q: Why would I want to use async_status in Ansible?

A: async_status is useful for checking the status of long-running tasks and ensuring that they have completed successfully before continuing with the playbook. It can also be useful for debugging asynchronous tasks and identifying any issues that may arise.

Q: What are some best practices for using async_status in Ansible?

A: Some best practices for using async_status in Ansible include setting a timeout for the asynchronous task, retrying the check until the task is finished, and using the “until” keyword to ensure that the task has been completed successfully before continuing with the playbook.

Q: Can I use async_status to check the status of multiple tasks at once?

A: Yes, you can use async_status to check the status of multiple tasks by passing a list of task IDs to the module.

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