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What is JID in Ansible

JID in Ansible

JID in Ansible is a unique identifier that is assigned to each playbook run or ad-hoc command execution. JID (Job ID) is used to track the progress and status of a specific Ansible job.

When you run an Ansible playbook or ad-hoc command, Ansible assigns a JID to that job and returns the JID in the output. You can then use the JID to check the status of the job or view the output of the job at a later time.

To view the status of an Ansible job using the JID, you can use the “ansible_job_id” parameter with the “ansible-runner” command, as shown in the following example:

ansible-runner --job-id <JID> status

This will show you the status of the Ansible job with the specified JID.

You can also use the “ansible_job_id” parameter with the “ansible-playbook” command to view the output of a playbook run with a specific JID, as shown in the following example:

ansible-playbook --start-at-task <TASK> --limit <HOSTS> /path/to/playbook.yml --extra-vars "@/path/to/vars/file.yml" --tags <TAGS> --skip-tags <TAGS> --ansible-job-id <JID>

This will show you the output of the Ansible playbook run with the specified JID.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is JID in Ansible?

A: JID (Job ID) in Ansible is a unique identifier that is assigned to each playbook run or ad-hoc command execution. JID is used to track the progress and status of a specific Ansible job.

Q: Why would I want to use JID in Ansible?

A: JID can be useful for tracking the status and progress of a specific Ansible job, especially if you have multiple jobs running at the same time or if you need to view the output of a previous job.

Q: How do I view the status of an Ansible job using the JID?

A: To view the status of an Ansible job using the JID, you can use the “ansible-runner” command with the “–job-id” parameter, as shown in the example above.

Q: How do I view the output of an Ansible playbook run with a specific JID?

A: To view the output of an Ansible playbook run with a specific JID, you can use the “ansible-playbook” command with the “–ansible-job-id” parameter, as shown in the example above.

Q: Can I run multiple Ansible jobs with the same JID?

A: No, each Ansible job must have a unique JID. If you run multiple jobs with the same JID, you may encounter conflicts or unexpected behavior.

Q: Can I assign a custom JID to an Ansible job?

A: No, JIDs are automatically assigned by Ansible and cannot be customized.

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